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Founded by Dr Hubin Zhao in 2021, UCL HUB of Intelligent Neuro-engineering (HUBIN) aims to develop and promote field-leading research in new-generation wearable, interventional and non-contact intelligent medical imaging & sensing technologies for human-robot interaction (HRI)/brain-computer interface (BCI), surgical imaging/monitoring, brain health, rehabilitation, neurological & cardiovascular diseases, personalised health monitoring, and other relevant translational applications.


Our research is multi-disciplinary, focusing on ​wearable & interventional technologies, HRI & BCI, surgical imaging & monitoring, non-contact sensing, personalized health monitoring & rehabilitation.


We have authored over 60 articles in top peer-reviewed publications (e.g. IEEE Transactions, Neurophotonics, JBHI, Nature Communications,etc.)


Founded in 2021, HUBIN is a relatively young but fast-growing research group, primarily working at the insection of advanced electronics, neural engineering, artificial intelligence, and medical technologies.

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