Prometheus Project: Preterm Brain-Oxygenation and Metabolic EU-Sensing: Feed the Brain

Prometheus is set to revolutionize personalized nutrition in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) for prematurely born neonates. This innovative approach focuses on the development of a groundbreaking technology that enables real-time adjustment of glucose and nutrient intakes, specifically catering to the delicate needs of the neonatal brain. Prematurely born babies' brains are extremely vulnerable to neonatal injuries which can lead to neurodevelopmental disabilities. It is crucial to provide the right balance of nutrients and oxygen for the brain's proper development and growth.
However, existing nutritional strategies in NICUs are inadequate. They rely on generic, non-personalized nutritional charts without the support of contemporary cot-side monitoring that assesses brain health and metabolic needs. This means that sudden shifts in the brain's fuel demands cannot be immediately met with adjustments in nutrient provision. To address this, Prometheus is developing a metabolic model that will map the interactions between key brain fuels—glucose, lactate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB)—and their influence on regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), oxygen saturation (StO2), and metabolism (CMRO2). The goal is to personalize the nutritional support for the brain, guided by real-time data from two novel minimally invasive metabolic sensing systems: a wearable cap that measures regional CBF, StO2, and CMRO2, and a subcutaneous sensor that monitors glucose, lactate, and BHB levels.
Alongside the technological advancements, Prometheus will feature a dedicated interface for parents. This interface will use a specially developed visual language that is adjusted for family use, aimed at informing parents about the condition and progress of their preterm babies during their NICU stay. The overarching aim of Prometheus is to significantly reduce the risk of disabilities associated with prematurity, not just in Europe but globally, which promises to deliver profound ethical, social, and economic benefits.