Qiao He
Qiao He is a PDRA from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Optical Detection and Sensing Team of Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences) to University College London (HUB of Intelligent Neuro-Engineering (HUBIN) of the Division of Surgery and Interventional Science). She received her Master's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering and her Bachelor's degree in Electronic Science and Technology, both from North University of China.
Research Interests
FPGA Development & Optimization
Embedded Systems & MCU Development
Hardware Circuit Design & Integration
Interdisciplinary research at the intersection of electronics, medicine, and optical science
Liu, Y., Chen, C., Huang, Y., He, Q., & Wu, J. (2024, May). A 140-dB Dynamic Range Digital PPG Front-end IC with An Integrated MoSe2 Photodiode for Wearable Non-invasive Pulse Oximetry. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
He, Q., Wu, J. et al. (2024). Temperature Control System for VCSELs Based on Zynq. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. (To Be Submit)
Yang, X., He, Q., Li, Y., Li, X., Li, Y., & Liu, Y. (2022). Design of leakage monitoring system based on optical fiber side coupling effect. Optical Fiber Technology, 68, 102743.
He Q., Ma Y., et al. (2020). Design of high power pulse power supply voltage test system. Instrument Technique and Sensor,2020(02):46-49+113
Ma Y., He Q., et al. (2020). Design of acquisition recorder based on document Management”. Chinese Journal of Electron Devices,43(03):662-666
Liu P.,Ma Y.,He Q. (2020). Design of sea temperature and pressure acquisition system based on PGA302. Journal of Ordnance and Equipment Engineering, 41(03):116-120.
Zhao Y., Ma Y., Liu P., He Q. (2021). Research on wireless power supply system of non-contact turbine blade temperature measurement. Journal of Ordnance and Equipment Engineering, 42(04):198-202.